Hello Old Friend

Your body felt hollow and light, out of sync as my fingers tighten and released tension to your neck. At times I was rough times smooth but all was formality because my hand had left you limp and crucified to the wall. Today was different. It was like two leaves dancing with the wind, ItContinueContinue reading “Hello Old Friend”

Reflections/ directions

Reflections, deflections, perceptions, directions, I’m feeling like 6 months is in 3 months which means I’ve missed the last 3 months day dreaming as the end signifies the new beginning, now what? We’ve procrastinated and exasperated the vision we wrote back when spring was stated, We’ve failed and inhaled defeat and exhaled success and in truthContinueContinue reading “Reflections/ directions”

Forgiveness is the key….

Inspiration on a journey again, only this time the carriage is empty. Funny how my moments of inspiration always happen when I am away from home. Tried to make peace with my past but it kept coming back to haunt me so finally I decided to confront it. There was no sunshine when he hadContinueContinue reading “Forgiveness is the key….”

Beautiful package, beautiful gift…..

I couldn’t help but share this with the world after seeing this passage today from “Woman thou art loosed” edition KJV Bible by T.D Jakes, it’s so encouraging to anyone who may feel lost in themselves for a moment or for a long time. Based on Colossians 1:9-11…. The greater part of your attractiveness –ContinueContinue reading “Beautiful package, beautiful gift…..”

Control of self-control…….

What do i mean by control of self-control, it sounds confusing huh?!? I am a self confessed control freak and I am not talking about OCD type that needs everything to align with the corners of the table. I am talking about the type that organises her life in her mind and expects everything toContinueContinue reading “Control of self-control…….”


Sometimes we’re sent to a place that throws life into chaos. We don’t know how we arrived there but nonetheless we are there. Confusion and panic starts to set in, worry and uncertainty follows and then for a second…..you feel like power has been stripped from the life you thought you had control of. InContinueContinue reading “Patience…..”

Slow down baby…..

It has been a minute since I’ve been back here. Inspiration came and went and I had no time to write it all down. That’s how life has been since. Amidst all that we do sometimes we have so much going on that we forget we have other commitments. We forget to look after ourContinueContinue reading “Slow down baby…..”

Before the key is turned…

How long are you supposed to leave it until you trust someone enough that you start revealing your true self to them? How do you know that this person won’t hurt you or use what you have told them against you? How do you know that this person will not abandon you when you needContinueContinue reading “Before the key is turned…”