One last time…

As I watched the final speech of President Barack Obama, my throat couldn’t help but join my eyes in an ensemble of grief and sadness. Having never met the man or stepped foot in American soil I could only admire from a screen as he gave his last address as President. It was emotionally moving. TheContinueContinue reading “One last time…”


The lightness of our conversation was the same as the weather Light, warm, full of banter and changed every 5 minutes All in a day we were connected by vines of music, comics, clothes and whatever I laughed, you laughed, I teared, you cried It was nice Then you called me perfect In that momentContinueContinue reading “Perfection…..”

You do too much even when it’s not needed….

These words have stuck  with me ever since. Sometimes only the person who is close to you and knows your character is the person you need to turn to for some hard truths. Until I heard these words I was a busy body, all day everyday. Strange feelings overtook when I stood still. I didn’tContinueContinue reading “You do too much even when it’s not needed….”

The littlest things…..

Let me just be real for a minute. Not everything is great but I am thankful for the short times I have to breathe. Being an assistant is never easy; you are just high demand all the time so blood pressure is just elevated a little bit. I still have days when I go homeContinueContinue reading “The littlest things…..”

One day we will grow old…….

One day we will grow old and finish riding the streams of life, we will do it together, not leave the fun behind but flick through every chart of happiness sing the tune to love over and over until we lose our senses, but let’s try and figure life out first Inspiration…draft Topic…poem Opinion..stated

I know it’s not mothers day but…..

Humility came in unfamiliar forms, she prowled then stood tall, proud that she could purchase shoes, wear boots and heels and recycle her wardrobe from the old to the new, She could always stand firm knowing that being the first of many put her in a position of…great power. Her step announced her entrance andContinueContinue reading “I know it’s not mothers day but…..”


My heart belongs to Him and to get to Him you must look within to find the light that illuminates the dark … voids filling with sugar that seeps through the crevices and drives the momentum until one day you sit still and reflect in the wind and say….what was the point…..the point is simple….LightContinueContinue reading “Momentum……”

How could I forget….

I was there, I saw what triggered my fingers to relieve the distance that we hadn’t walked before, sweet sweet smell of flowers I hadn’t received before. Lies lay still, tomorrow is the day we kiss goodbye my friend, until the end we shared….a simple wish, to be happy… How could I forget, It wasContinueContinue reading “How could I forget….”

the story of love…in the unknown

I shouldn’t but I do, think of the first time we met, why we met and how oblivious we were, young lovers exploring the surface of what cannot be explained or contained, trapped in the circle of admiration, circulation, reverberation of our hearts, a song we shared, a dance no one cared, a trickle ofContinueContinue reading “the story of love…in the unknown”