A Great Day In Harlem

In honour of world photo day, the most iconic photograph taken back when Jazz was heard in every street corner in New York. Harlem 1958 was taken by Art Kane and featured in 1959 edition of Esquire magazine. The streets of Harlem was plowed with 57 jazz musicians who were later joined by children at theContinueContinue reading “A Great Day In Harlem”

International Woman’s Day

I’ve inherited a heart so warm it cures the heaviest tears, Floods of laughter that brighten the dampest spirit, A smile so wide i forget yesterdays night sky Oh when i look at you, i see a reflection of these eyes, A gap into; the earth stays still; as i pass through the middle ofContinueContinue reading “International Woman’s Day”

Beauty for the minds eye….

Last week I was a supermodel, 3 days ago I became obese, the difference in time didn’t change my physiology, the mind behind the eyes saw a difference entirely, Slender became desirable and an additional inch became irrelevant. Who is to say either is correct, If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then I chooseContinueContinue reading “Beauty for the minds eye….”